International Student Entrance Scholarship 2023

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International Student Entrance Scholarship 2023

International Student Entrance Scholarship 2023

International Student Entrance Scholarship 2023 – International Students are welcome to apply to the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. The scholarship covers Bachelor level programmes in Liberal Arts and Professional Studies at the University of York. The University of York’s Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies offers an International Students Entrance Scholarship to international students who wish to study at YU. It is a partially financed scholarship that will be given to students who have excelled academically. York University is frequently abbreviated as YorkU or just YU. It is a partially funded scholarship that will be awarded to students with excellent academic records. The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies International Student Entrance Scholarship will be awarded to international students entering the Faculty with a top academic standing of 90% or higher. Eligible candidates with a GPA between 90% to 94.9% will receive $2,000; candidates with a GPA of 95% or higher will receive $3000.The University of York offers three types of awards:

  1. Bursaries are based on financial needs. Therefore, students with financial needs are encouraged to apply.
  2. Scholarships are based on academic merit. Therefore, students with high academic standing are encouraged to apply.
  3. Awards are based on both academic merit and financial need. Therefore, students with high academic standing and financial need are encouraged to apply.
International Student Scholarship  Eligibility
  •  Student Financial Profile (SFP)
  • Two reference letters and personal statements outlining your extra-curricular involvement.
  • International students entering the Faculty with a top academic standing of 90% or higher.
  • Applicants with a GPA between 90% to 94.9%
  • Students with high academic standing
International Student Entrance Scholarship Application Procedure
  • fill out the Student Financial Profile (SFP)
  • Submit official school transcripts
  • Submit Two reference letters and personal statements



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