McMaster Mosaic: Complete Guide to McMaster Login Portal 2023
McMaster Mosaic is the access point for McMaster University’s administrative information system. With Mosaic, you can enrol in classes, submit service requests, and access grades and your student account. Mosaic allows you to search for classes, plan classes and enrol in classes directly. The planning function helps you to consider desired courses over your entire academic career. Mosaic is operated only by current students of McMaster University.
Mosaic’s Student Portal is made up of tiles. Each tile has a specific function. Most often we’ll refer you to your Student Center Tile to view information pertaining to finances, academics, service requests, and enrolment letters.
McMaster Mosaic: Complete Guide to McMaster Login Portal
Provided here is a complete guide on how to log into the McMaster Mosaic. Only McMaster’s current students can access the Mosaic. To access the McMaster Login Portal or Mosaic, you must first log in to your Mosaic account with your MAC ID and password. Your MAC ID is a unique identifier enabling a single sign-on for a number of McMaster systems and applications, including email, Mosaic, and library access. Your MacID is not your employee number, student number or application number. To log in, you must make sure your MAC ID you have activated your MAC ID. Follow the steps below to activate your MAC ID if you have not:
How to Activate your MAC ID
- To activate your MAC ID, you may use the MAC ID activation tool. To activate your MacID, you will need your student number (also called your Person ID), your barcode number (located on your student card) and your date of birth.
- Go to or navigate to the MAC ID activation tool at on your web browser.
- Select “I Want to Activate My MacID” then click on “Next”.
- Enter your Person ID. Your Person ID is your 9-digit student or employee number.
- Enter your Barcode number. The 14-digit McMaster barcode number (found on your Student Acknowledgement email if an applicant or student ID card if a current student or for Employees on your Welcome letter).
- Enter your date of birth.
- Click on “Submit” for the system to locate your details.
- Follow the prompts to proceed with your activation process.
Once you activate your MAC ID, you will be able to sign in or log in to Mosaic. Follow the steps below to log into your McMaster Login portal.
How to Log into McMaster Mosaic
- Navigate to the McMaster Login portal or Mosaic Login portal at on your web browser.
- On the Login page, Enter your MAC ID (User ID).
- Enter your MAC Password.
- Click on “Sign in” to access your MyUSC homepage