The university’s official email system is Texas State Email, also referred to as Bobcat Mail. BobcatMail works with many other Microsoft 365 programs as a component of Microsoft 365. TXST Email is accessible whenever and wherever you need it via mobile devices. is the format of your Texas State email address. Please review the information below to learn how to access the Texas State Email in 2023.
The Best Way To Access Bobcat Mail in Microsoft 365
Go to and enter.
Type your Texas State email address in the box.
You’ll be taken to the Texas State login page after that.
Enter your NetID password.
To get access to your emails, click Sign In.
Your Microsoft 365 Bobcat Mail login has been successful after this action
Instructions for Activating Your Texas State NetID
Launch the online toolkit.
To activate your NetID, click.
Choose a type of identifier.
Put your name and birth-date in the corresponding fields.
Enter the code that is seen in the screen image.
Click Next.
Fill in the appropriate fields with your last name, social security number, and email address.
Click Validate.
A one-time-use link will be sent to your personal email address by the system, so take note of that.
After reading the email, click the attached link. A new tab or window in the web browser opens.
Enter your birth-date on the One-Time-Use Link Validation screen.
Click Validate.
Select “I agree to abide by Texas State University’s information security, proper usage, and other rules” from the drop-down menu.
Set a password for your NetID and then confirm it.
Think about making a passphrase with at least 15 characters.
Passphrase best practices are shown.
Click Submit.
You’ve successfully set up a NetID password and activated your NetID.
Keep your NetID and password close at hand. You’ll use it to sign in to several online services offered by Texas State.
How to Use Outlook For Windows To Access A Shared Calendar
Open Outlook.
Simply select the Calendar tab.
After selecting Open Calendar, choose Open Shared Calendar.
Type the person’s name or email address or the shared mailbox calendar link that you want to access.
To find someone or a room in the address book, click Name.
Click OK.
Your personal calendar will be displayed next to the shared calendar.