You’ve come to the right place if you’re a student at the University of Hong Kong and want to learn how to keep your login information secure. Your individuality is priceless. For more details on the few security suggestions listed below, see the section below.
Before Logging In, Make Sure The Portal Is Legitimate
A digital certificate is used to authenticate and protect the HKU Login Portal. To ensure its legitimacy,
In your browser, select the “Security Lock” button.
To view the certificate, select “More Information > View Certification” (Firefox) or “Certificate Information” (Chrome)” and then “Show Certificate” (Safari).
In order to make sure the certificate is legitimate and does not expire, check to see if “Issued To” displays “*” and the validity date.
If a website doesn’t have the “Security Lock” icon or has information in the certificate that isn’t legitimate, you shouldn’t enter your UID or PIN there.
Suspended Access Following Repeated Login Errors
Repeated login attempts will result in the suspension of your Portal login account, and you will receive an email stating that “Your access to HKU Portal has been suspended” to let you know.
Users are encouraged to click here right away to change their PIN.
HKU Login Time-out Automatically
The portal will automatically “time-out” after 4 hours of being connected.
After using the University of Hong Kong Portal or before leaving your computer alone, the most secure way to safeguard your personal and confidential information is to log out and close ALL browsers.
At never time should you leave a portal session unattended.
If you don’t log out, people who are using the same computer as you may be able to access your information and even edit or erase any personal or confidential data stored in the current Portal session that was previously open.
Protect Your PIN
A UID is used to identify each staff member and student in a specific way.
You are encouraged to keep your PIN private and safe from disclosure to others because your HKU portal contains personal and departmental information, some of which is restricted for access by authorized individuals.
Your PIN must not be shared with anybody. You should immediately update your PIN if you have any reason to believe someone else knows it.
Your Portal PIN must be between 10 and 18 characters long and include at least one letter (a-z, A-Z) and one digit (0-9) as well.
A password that has been used three times in the last four cannot be used. Every time your HKU PIN is modified, an email notification will be sent to you.
Keep Your UID/PIN Off The Browsers
Remember to turn off auto-fill in your browser because otherwise, anyone with access to your PC or mobile device would be able to see your UID and PIN.
Click the Chrome menu icon (3 dots in the top right corner) > Settings > Autofill > Passwords > switch off Auto Sign-in to disable this feature.
Safeguard Your Computer
Install and update anti-virus software on a regular basis to provide your PC the most recent defense.
To lessen your sensitivity to computer dangerous codes like viruses and trojans, do not open any strange or unexpected emails or attachments.